
class Model(context)[source]

Bases: BaseModel

The base model class.

Models should subclass this class and override the run() method. They may also override init().

Available instance variables:

  • logger - a logger for messages related to the model

  • context - a ModelContext instance



A model can call this method to convert a dict of data in a known format into a DTO instance.


Decorator for credmark.cmf.model.Model subclasses to describe the model.


Subclasses may override this method to do any model instance initiation.


Subclasses must override this method to perform the work of running the model.



context (ModelContext) –

convert_dict_to_dto(data, dto_class)

A model can call this method to convert a dict of data in a known format into a DTO instance.

classmethod describe(*, slug, version, display_name=None, description=None, developer=None, category=None, subcategory=None, tags=None, cache=CachePolicy.FULL, input=<class 'credmark.dto.EmptyInput'>, output=None, errors=None)[source]

Decorator for credmark.cmf.model.Model subclasses to describe the model.

Example usage:

from credmark.cmf.model import Model

                description="A test model to echo the message property sent in input.",
class EchoModel(Model):
  • slug (str) – slug (short unique name) for the model. Can contain alpha-numeric and and underscores. Contributor slugs must start with "contrib." Once submitted, the model slug cannot be changed.

  • version (str) – version string, ex. "1.0". The version number can be incremented when the model code is updated.

  • display_name (Optional[str]) – Name for the model

  • description (Optional[str]) – Description of the model. If description is not set, the doc string (__doc__) of the model class is used instead.

  • developer (Optional[str]) – Name or nickname of the developer

  • category (Optional[str]) – Category of the model (ex. “financial”, “protocol” etc.)

  • subcategory (Optional[str]) – Optional subcategory (ex. “aave”)

  • tags (Optional[list[str]]) – optional list of string tags describing the model

  • input (Union[Type[Union[BaseModel, IntDTO, StrDTO, FloatDTO]], Type[dict]]) – Type that model uses as input; a DTO subclass or dict. Defaults to EmptyInput object.

  • output (Optional[Union[Type[Union[BaseModel, IntDTO, StrDTO, FloatDTO]], Type[dict]]]) – Type that the model run returns; a DTO subclass or dict. Defaults to None which will provide no output schema.

  • errors (Optional[Union[List[ModelErrorDesc], ModelErrorDesc]]) – If the model raises ModelDataError, set this to a configured ModelDataErrorDesc instance (or a list of instances) describing the errors. Defaults to None.

  • cache (Literal[<CachePolicy.FULL: 'full'>, <CachePolicy.SKIP: 'skip'>, <CachePolicy.IGNORE_BLOCK: 'ignore_block'>, <CachePolicy.OFF_CHAIN: 'off_chain'>]) –


Subclasses may override this method to do any model instance initiation.

abstract run(input)[source]

Subclasses must override this method to perform the work of running the model.

Model instances may be reused so keep in mind that run() may be called multiple times. If you are using global data structures, make sure they are reset or cleared after each model run.


input (Union[dict, BaseModel, IntDTO, StrDTO, FloatDTO]) –

Return type

Union[dict, BaseModel, IntDTO, StrDTO, FloatDTO]