Source code for credmark.cmf.ipython

# pylint: disable=locally-disabled, unused-import, unused-variable, unused-wildcard-import, wildcard-import, line-too-long, protected-access, too-many-branches

import importlib
import importlib.util
import json
import os
import sys
from json import JSONDecodeError
from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional

import requests
from dotenv import dotenv_values
from IPython.core.magic import Magics, line_magic, magics_class, needs_local_scope
from IPython.lib.pretty import pprint, pretty
from web3 import HTTPProvider, Web3
from web3.middleware.geth_poa import geth_poa_middleware

from credmark.cmf.engine.context import EngineModelContext
from credmark.cmf.engine.model_api import GATEWAY_API_URL
from credmark.cmf.engine.model_loader import ModelLoader
from credmark.cmf.types import Network

[docs]class CmfInit(NamedTuple): """ Cmf Initialization Parameters :param chain_id: Chain id, default to 1 :param block_number: (Optional) None or int :param model_loader_path: List of path to the models directories :param chain_to_provider_url: A dictionary mapping chain ID to node RPC URL, e.g. {'1': ''} :param api_url: (Optional) None or URL to Credmark gateway :param use_local_models: None (top-level models run local), '*' (all model run locally), or '-' (all models run remotely), or a comma-separated list of models :param register_utility_global: True (register global variables for utilities like ledger, default) or False """ chain_id: int = 1 block_number: Optional[int] = None model_loader_path: List[str] = [] chain_to_provider_url: Dict[str, str] = {} api_url: Optional[str] = None # None, '*', or '-', or 'model_to_be_run_locally' use_local_models: Optional[str] = None register_utility_global: bool = True
[docs]def load_module_items(namespace, module_name, selection: Optional[List[str]] = None): imp = importlib.import_module(module_name) for a in dir(sys.modules[module_name]): if not a.startswith("_"): if selection is None or a in selection: namespace[a] = getattr(imp, a)
[docs]def create_cmf(cmf_param=None, show=False): """ create cmf """ if cmf_param is None: cmf_param = {} context, _model_loader = create_cmf_context(cmf_param, show) model_loaded = _model_loader.loaded_model_version_lists() for _k, cache_value in model_loaded.items(): try: assert len(cache_value) == 1 except AssertionError: print(_k) raise model_loaded = {k: v[0] for k, v in model_loaded.items()} return context, model_loaded
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-statements
[docs]def create_cmf_context(cmf_param, show=False): models_spec = importlib.util.find_spec("models") if models_spec is not None and models_spec.submodule_search_locations is not None: models_path = [models_spec.submodule_search_locations[0]] else: models_path = [] dotenv_param = {} for pth in models_path: dotenv_file = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(pth, '..', '.env')) if os.path.isfile(dotenv_file): dotenv_param = dotenv_values(dotenv_file) break try: if isinstance(dotenv_param, dict) and 'CREDMARK_WEB3_PROVIDERS' in dotenv_param: provider_from_dotenv = json.loads( dotenv_param['CREDMARK_WEB3_PROVIDERS']) # type: ignore else: provider_from_dotenv = {} except JSONDecodeError: provider_from_dotenv = {} try: providers_json = os.environ.get('CREDMARK_WEB3_PROVIDERS', None) if providers_json is not None: provider_from_environment = json.loads(providers_json) else: provider_from_environment = {} except JSONDecodeError: provider_from_environment = {} cmf_param['chain_to_provider_url'] = provider_from_dotenv | provider_from_environment | cmf_param.get( 'chain_to_provider_url', {}) for k, v in CREDMARK_PUBLIC_PROVIDERS.items(): if k not in cmf_param['chain_to_provider_url']: cmf_param['chain_to_provider_url'][k] = v param = { 'chain_id': 1, 'block_number': None, 'model_loader_path': models_path, 'use_local_models': None, 'register_utility_global': False, 'api_url': GATEWAY_API_URL, } | cmf_param cmf_init = CmfInit(**param) default_models_path = os.path.abspath( importlib.import_module('models').__path__[0]) model_loader_path = [os.path.abspath(p) for p in cmf_init.model_loader_path] if default_models_path not in model_loader_path: model_loader_path.append(default_models_path) for p in model_loader_path: if not os.path.isdir(p): raise ValueError( f'{p} specified for model_loader_path is not a valid path') provider_url = cmf_init.chain_to_provider_url.get(str(cmf_init.chain_id), None) if provider_url is None: print(f'Warning: missing provider for chain_id={cmf_init.chain_id}') raise ValueError() # Test provider headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} response = provider_url, data=f'{{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method": "eth_blockNumber","params": [], "id":{cmf_init.chain_id}}}', headers=headers, timeout=60) if response.status_code in [200, 201]: res = response.json() if 'result' in res and int(res['result'], base=16) > 0: pass else: raise ValueError( f'Provider URL {provider_url} does not respond properly for querying block number: {res}') else: raise ValueError( f'Provider URL {provider_url} for {cmf_init.chain_id} does not respond.') model_loader = ModelLoader(model_loader_path, None, True) context = EngineModelContext.create_context(chain_id=cmf_init.chain_id, block_number=cmf_init.block_number, model_loader=model_loader, chain_to_provider_url=cmf_init.chain_to_provider_url, api_url=cmf_init.api_url, run_id=None, console=True, use_local_models=cmf_init.use_local_models) context._web3 = context._web3_registry.web3_for_chain_id( context.chain_id, {'request_kwargs': {'timeout': 3600 * 10}}) context._web3.eth.default_block = int(context.block_number) context._web3_async = context._web3_registry.async_web3_for_chain_id( context.chain_id, {'request_kwargs': {'timeout': 3600 * 10}}) context._web3_async.eth.default_block = int(context.block_number) if show: if cmf_init.block_number is None: block_number_print = f'None ({context.block_number})' else: block_number_print = f'{context.block_number}' print(f'Credmark context created with \n' f'- chain_id={cmf_init.chain_id}\n' f'- block_number={block_number_print}\n' f'- chain_to_provider_url={provider_url[:10]+"..."+provider_url[-4:]}\n' f'- model_loader_path={model_loader_path}\n' f'- api_url={cmf_init.api_url}\n' f'- use_local_models={cmf_init.use_local_models}\n' ) context.__dict__['original_input'] = None context.__dict__['slug'] = 'ipython' return context, model_loader
[docs]@magics_class class CredmarkMagic(Magics): @needs_local_scope @line_magic def cmf(self, line, local_ns): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements, too-many-locals if line == 'help': print('Example:') param = CmfInit()._asdict() print('%reload_ext credmark.cmf.ipython') print('param = ' + pretty(param)) print("""context, model_loader = %cmf param # or %cmf param context, model_loader = _""") print("""Other commands: - %cmf param -v: verbose - %cmf default_param: returns default parameters Example: param = %cmf default_param - %cmf default: setup with default parameters Example: context, model_loader = %cmf default - %cmf help: get help - %cmf help_param: get help for parameters """) return None if line == 'help_param': print('Doc:') print(CmfInit.__doc__) return None if is None: raise ValueError('Shell is None') if line == 'default_param': return CmfInit()._asdict() verbose = False params = line.split(' ') if len(params) == 2 and params[1] == '-v': verbose = True if params[0] == 'default': cmf_param = CmfInit()._asdict() print('Using default to initialize Cmf') pprint(cmf_param) else: cmf_param = local_ns.get(params[0], None) if len(params) == 2 and params[1] == '-v': verbose = True if cmf_param is None: raise ValueError( f'Undefined variable {line} for cmf initialization. Get help from %cmf help') if not isinstance(cmf_param, dict): raise ValueError( f'Variable {line} needs to be a dictionary. Get help from %cmf help') if verbose: print('Cmf to be initialized with:') pprint(cmf_param) context, model_loader = create_cmf_context( cmf_param, show=verbose) var_namespace = local_ns load_module_items(var_namespace, 'credmark.cmf.model', ['Model']) load_module_items(var_namespace, 'credmark.cmf.model.errors', ['ModelDataError', 'ModelRunError']) load_module_items(var_namespace, 'credmark.cmf.types') load_module_items(var_namespace, 'credmark.dto') load_module_items(var_namespace, 'credmark.cmf.engine.dev_models.console', ['log_output']) if cmf_param.get('register_utility_global', True): var_namespace['ledger'] = context.ledger var_namespace['run_model'] = context.run_model var_namespace['models'] = context.models var_namespace['block_number'] = context.block_number var_namespace['chain_id'] = context.chain_id var_namespace['web3'] = context.web3 var_namespace['run_model_historical'] = context.historical.run_model_historical var_namespace['run_model_historical_blocks'] = context.historical.run_model_historical_blocks return context, model_loader
[docs]def load_ipython_extension(ipy_module): ipy_module.register_magics(CredmarkMagic)