Source code for credmark.cmf.model.ledger

from typing import List

from credmark.cmf.types.ledger import (
from credmark.cmf.types.ledger_query import LedgerQuery

    Columns are defined in :class:`credmark.cmf.types.ledger.{TABLE}Table`
    which is also accessible as
    - ``context.Ledger.{TABLE}.colnames``: to get the individual column name(s) to specify in the query
    - ``context.Ledger.{TABLE}.columns``: to include all columns.


        columns: The columns list should be built using ``Ledger.{TABLE}``

        aggregates: The aggregates list should be built using
            tuples of [expression, name] to be processed by `Ledger.Aggregate()`.
            calls where the expression contains an SQL function(ex. MAX, SUM etc.) and
            column names are from ``Ledger.{TABLE}``.

        where: The where portion of an SQL query(without the word WHERE.)
            The column names are from ``Ledger.{TABLE}``.
            Aggregate column names must be in double-quotes.

        group_by: The "group by" portion of an SQL query(without the words "GROUP BY".)
            The column names are from ``Ledger.{TABLE}``.
            Aggregate column names must be in double-quotes.

        order_by: The "order by" portion of an SQL query(without the words "ORDER BY".)
            The column names are from ``Ledger.{TABLE}``.
            Aggregate column names must be in double-quotes.

        having: The "having" portion of an SQL query(without the word "HAVING".)
            The column names are from ``Ledger.{TABLE}``.
            Aggregate column names must be in double-quotes.

        limit: The "limit" portion of an SQL query(without the word "LIMIT".)
            Typically this can be an integer.

        offset: The "offset" portion of an SQL query(without the word "OFFSET".)
            Typically this can be an integer.

        An object with a ``data`` property which is a list
        of dicts, each dict holding a row with the keys being the column
        names. The column names can be referenced using
        ``Ledger.{TABLE}`` and aggregate columns names.

[docs]def ledger_table_doc(func): def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): func.__doc__ = QUERY_METHOD_DOC_STRING.replace( '{TABLE}', func.__name__) result = func(self, *args, **kwargs) result.__doc__ = QUERY_METHOD_DOC_STRING.replace( '{TABLE}', func.__name__) return result return wrapper
[docs]class LedgerQueryTransaction(TransactionTable, LedgerQuery): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class LedgerQueryTrace(TraceTable, LedgerQuery): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class LedgerQueryBlock(BlockTable, LedgerQuery): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class LedgerQueryContract(ContractTable, LedgerQuery): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class LedgerQueryLog(LogTable, LedgerQuery): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class LedgerQueryReceipt(ReceiptTable, LedgerQuery): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class LedgerQueryToken(TokenTable, LedgerQuery): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class LedgerQueryTokenTransfer(TokenTransferTable, LedgerQuery): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class LedgerQueryTokenBalance(TokenBalanceTable, LedgerQuery): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class LedgerQueryTable(LedgerQuery, LedgerTable): pass
[docs]class Ledger: """ Performs queries on ledger data. Access an instance of this class from the model context using ``self.context.ledger``. Get a query handle by the name of the ledger table, for example ``context.ledger.Transaction`` or ``context.ledger.Contract``. The query parameters are common to all query methods. """ # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,invalid-name def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def tables(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of tables in the ledger database. """ return [prop for prop in dir(self) if isinstance(getattr(self, prop), LedgerQuery)]
[docs] def table(self, table_name: str) -> LedgerQueryTable: """ Returns a query handle for the given table name. """ return getattr(self, table_name)
@property @ledger_table_doc def Transaction(self): return LedgerQueryTransaction( cwgo_query_table='ledger.transaction_data', table_key='transactions', more_cols=[]) @property @ledger_table_doc def Trace(self): return LedgerQueryTrace( cwgo_query_table='ledger.trace_data', table_key='traces', more_cols=[]) @property @ledger_table_doc def Block(self): return LedgerQueryBlock( cwgo_query_table='ledger.block_data', table_key='blocks', more_cols=[]) @property @ledger_table_doc def Contract(self): return LedgerQueryContract( cwgo_query_table='ledger.contract_data', table_key='contracts', more_cols=[]) @property @ledger_table_doc def Log(self): return LedgerQueryLog( cwgo_query_table='ledger.log_data', table_key='logs', more_cols=[]) @property @ledger_table_doc def Receipt(self): return LedgerQueryReceipt( cwgo_query_table='ledger.receipt_data', table_key='receipts', more_cols=[]) @property @ledger_table_doc def Token(self): return LedgerQueryToken( cwgo_query_table='ledger.erc20_token_data', table_key='tokens', more_cols=[]) @property @ledger_table_doc def TokenTransfer(self): return LedgerQueryTokenTransfer( cwgo_query_table='ledger.erc20_token_transfer_data', table_key='token_transfers', more_cols=[]) @property @ledger_table_doc def TokenBalance(self): return LedgerQueryTokenBalance( cwgo_query_table='ledger.token_balance', table_key='token_double_entry_book', more_cols=[])