import io
from typing import Optional, Type, Union, overload
from credmark.cmf.model.errors import ModelInputError
from credmark.dto import DTO, DTOType, DTOTypesTuple, EmptyInput
from .print import print_manifest_description
[docs]class RunModelMethod:
# This class is used internally by the context.
# A run model method is callable (where the prefix is the actual
# model name) or called with a method name (where prefix is the
# dot prefix of the model name.)
# If this is set to true for the class, the doc string
# for an instance will be set to the model schema doc
interactive_docs = False
def __init__(self, context, prefix: str, block_number: Union[int, None] = None,
local: bool = False, input: Union[None, DTO] = None):
self.__context = context
self.__prefix = prefix
self.__block_number = block_number
self.__local = local
self.__input = input
if self.interactive_docs:
# In interactive mode, we set the docstring to the
# manifest doc for the model
manifest = self.__context._model_manifests(True).get(prefix)
if manifest is not None:
doc = io.StringIO()
print_manifest_description(manifest, doc)
self.__doc__ = doc.getvalue()
slugs = [s for s in self.__context._model_manifests(True).keys()
if s.startswith(prefix)]
self.__doc__ = f'Run a model.\n\nAvailable models: {", ".join(slugs)}'
# run a model. args can be a positional DTO or dict or kwargs
def __call__(self,
input: Union[DTOType, dict, None] = None,
return_type: Union[dict, None] = None,
version: Union[str, None] = None,
**kwargs) -> dict:
def __call__(self,
input: Union[DTOType, dict, None] = None,
return_type: Type[DTOType] = EmptyInput,
version: Union[str, None] = None,
**kwargs) -> DTOType:
def __call__(self,
input: Union[DTOType, dict, None] = None,
return_type: Union[dict, Type[DTOType], None] = None,
version: Union[str, None] = None,
**kwargs) -> Union[dict, DTOType]:
slug = f"{self.__prefix.replace('_', '-')}"
model_input = {}
if self.__input is not None:
if isinstance(self.__input, DTOTypesTuple):
model_input = self.__input.dict()
elif isinstance(self.__input, dict):
model_input = self.__input
if isinstance(input, DTOTypesTuple):
input = model_input | input.dict() | kwargs
elif isinstance(input, dict):
input = model_input | input | kwargs
elif input is not None:
raise ModelInputError(
f'You shall not send non-DTO/non-dict ({input=}) as input to model.')
input = model_input | kwargs
return self.__context.run_model(
# Handle method calls where the prefix is the dot prefix of a model name
def __getattr__(self, __name: str):
if self.interactive_docs:
model_manifests: dict = self.__context._model_manifests(True)
# If prefix matches a complete slug we allow access to
# manifest fields and model class properties.
if self.__prefix in model_manifests:
if __name in model_manifests[self.__prefix]:
return model_manifests[self.__prefix][__name]
# mclass = self.__context._class_for_model(self.__prefix.replace('_', '-'))
mclass = model_manifests[self.__prefix.replace(
'_', '-')]['mclass']
if mclass is not None:
mclass_dict = vars(mclass)
if __name in mclass_dict:
return mclass_dict[__name]
return RunModelMethod(
def __dir__(self):
if self.interactive_docs:
# For ipython tab-complete
model_manifests: dict = self.__context._model_manifests(True)
if self.__prefix in model_manifests:
# mclass = self.__context._class_for_model(self.__prefix.replace('_', '-'))
mclass = model_manifests[self.__prefix.replace(
'_', '-')]['mclass']
fields = list(model_manifests[self.__prefix].keys())
if mclass is not None:
# allow autocomplete for some model class properties
fields.extend(['inputDTO', 'outputDTO'])
return fields
prefix = self.__prefix + '.'
prefix_len = len(prefix)
slugs = [s[prefix_len:]
for s in self.__context._model_manifests(True).keys() if s.startswith(prefix)]
return slugs
return super().__dir__()
[docs]class Models:
Models class under context
def __init__(self, context, block_number: Union[int, None] = None, local: bool = False,
input: Union[None, DTO] = None):
self.__context = context
self.__block_number = block_number
self.__local = local
self.__input = input
def __getattr__(self, __name: str) -> RunModelMethod:
return RunModelMethod(self.__context, __name, block_number=self.__block_number,
local=self.__local, input=self.__input)
def __call__(self, block_number=None, local: bool = False, slug: Optional[str] = None):
if slug:
return RunModelMethod(self.__context, slug, block_number=self.__block_number,
local=self.__local, input=self.__input)
return self.__class__(self.__context, block_number=block_number, local=local,
def __dir__(self):
if RunModelMethod.interactive_docs:
# For ipython tab-complete
slugs = [k for k, v in self.__context._model_manifests(True).items()
if self.__input is None or isinstance(self.__input, v['mclass'].inputDTO)]
return slugs
return super().__dir__()
def reload(self):
if RunModelMethod.interactive_docs:
self.__context._model_reload() # pylint: disable=protected-access
def list(self) -> list[str]:
return dir(self)