Source code for credmark.cmf.model.utils.historical_util

from typing import (

import credmark.cmf.model
from credmark.cmf.model.errors import ModelRunError
from credmark.cmf.types.series import (
from credmark.dto import DTOType


[docs]class HistoricalUtil: time_units = [ 'year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second' ] time_unit_seconds = { 'year': 365 * 24 * 60 * 60, 'month': 30 * 24 * 60 * 60, 'week': 7 * 24 * 60 * 60, 'day': 24 * 60 * 60, 'hour': 60 * 60, 'minute': 60, 'second': 1, } def __init__(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def run_model_historical(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-many-branches model_slug: str, window: Union[str, List[str]], model_input: Union[dict, DTOType, None] = None, interval: Union[str, None] = None, end_timestamp: Union[int, None] = None, snap_clock: Union[str, None] = 'interval', model_return_type: Type[DTOCLS] = dict, model_version: Union[str, None] = None) -> BlockSeries[DTOCLS]: """ Run a model over a series of historical blocks. :param model_slug: the slug of the model to run :param window: a string defining a time window, ex. "30 day" :param interval: a string defining a time interval, ex. "1 day", or list of time intervals to be summed. :param model_input: input passed to the model being run :param model_return_type: the DTO class or dict for the output of the model being run. This will be the type of the BlockSeriesRow.output """ context = credmark.cmf.model.ModelContext.current_context() if model_input is None: model_input = {} run_return_type = BlockSeries[model_return_type] if isinstance(window, list): parsed_window = [self.range_timestamp( *self.parse_timerangestr(w)) for w in window] min_w = window[parsed_window.index(min(parsed_window))] (w_k, _) = self.parse_timerangestr(min_w) window_timestamp = sum(parsed_window) else: (w_k, w_v) = self.parse_timerangestr(window) window_timestamp = self.range_timestamp(w_k, w_v) if window_timestamp <= 0: raise ModelRunError( f"Negative or zero window '{window}' specified for historical.") if interval is not None: (i_k, i_v) = self.parse_timerangestr(interval) interval_timestamp = self.range_timestamp(i_k, i_v) else: interval_timestamp = self.range_timestamp(w_k, 1) if interval_timestamp <= 0: raise ModelRunError( f"Negative or zero interval '{interval}' specified for historical.") if snap_clock is None and end_timestamp is None: input = SeriesModelWindowIntervalInput( modelSlug=model_slug, modelInput=model_input, modelVersion=model_version, window=window_timestamp, interval=interval_timestamp ) context = credmark.cmf.model.ModelContext.current_context() return context.run_model('series.time-window-interval', input, return_type=run_return_type) # type: ignore else: if end_timestamp is None: end_timestamp = context.block_number.timestamp if snap_clock is not None: if snap_clock == 'interval': snap_sec = interval_timestamp else: (s_k, s_v) = self.parse_timerangestr(snap_clock) snap_sec = self.range_timestamp(s_k, s_v) end_timestamp = end_timestamp - (end_timestamp % snap_sec) input = SeriesModelStartEndIntervalInput( modelSlug=model_slug, modelInput=model_input, modelVersion=model_version, start=end_timestamp - window_timestamp, end=end_timestamp, interval=interval_timestamp ) context = credmark.cmf.model.ModelContext.current_context() return context.run_model('series.time-start-end-interval', input, return_type=run_return_type) # type: ignore
[docs] def run_model_historical_blocks(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments model_slug: str, window: int, interval: int, model_input: Union[dict, DTOType, None] = None, end_block: Union[int, None] = None, snap_block: Union[int, None] = None, model_return_type: Type[DTOCLS] = dict, model_version: Union[str, None] = None) -> BlockSeries[DTOCLS]: """ Run a model over a series of historical blocks. :param model_slug: the slug of the model to run :param window: number of blocks :param interval: number of blocks for each interval :param model_input: input passed to the model being run :param model_return_type: the DTO class or dict for the output of the model being run. This will be the type of the BlockSeriesRow.output """ context = credmark.cmf.model.ModelContext.current_context() if model_version is None: model_version = '' if model_input is None: model_input = {} run_return_type = BlockSeries[model_return_type] if snap_block is None and end_block is None: series_input = SeriesModelWindowIntervalInput( modelSlug=model_slug, modelInput=model_input, modelVersion=model_version, window=window, interval=interval ) return context.run_model('series.block-window-interval', series_input, return_type=run_return_type) # type: ignore else: if end_block is None: end_block = context.block_number if snap_block is not None: end_block = end_block - (end_block % snap_block) series_input = SeriesModelStartEndIntervalInput( modelSlug=model_slug, modelInput=model_input, modelVersion=model_version, start=end_block - window, end=end_block, interval=interval ) return context.run_model('series.block-start-end-interval', series_input, return_type=run_return_type) # type: ignore
def parse_timerangestr(self, time_str: str): key = None for unit in self.time_units: if unit in time_str: key = unit if key is None: raise ModelRunError( f"Invalid historical time string '{time_str}': " f"unit not one of {','.join(self.time_units)}") try: num = int(time_str.split(' ')[0]) except Exception as _err: raise ModelRunError( f"Invalid historical time string '{time_str}': " f"unknown number format. {_err}") from None return (key, num) def range_timestamp(self, key: str, num: int): return self.time_unit_seconds[key] * num def to_seconds(self, time_str: str) -> int: return self.range_timestamp(*self.parse_timerangestr(time_str)) def to_seconds_unit(self, time_str: str) -> int: (w_k, _) = self.parse_timerangestr(time_str) return self.range_timestamp(w_k, 1)