Source code for credmark.cmf.types.ledger_contract

from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import credmark.cmf.model
from credmark.cmf.model.errors import ModelInputError, ModelRunError

from .abi import ABI
from .ledger import ColumnField, JoinAllTypes, LedgerModelOutput, LedgerTable
from .ledger_query import LedgerQueryBase

[docs]class ContractFunctionsTable(LedgerTable): """ Contract functions ledger data table Column names common to all functions Function-specific columns are added from ABI. """ BLOCK_NUMBER = ColumnField('block_number') """""" BLOCK_TIMESTAMP = ColumnField('block_timestamp') """""" TRACE_ADDRESS = ColumnField('trace_address') """""" FROM_ADDRESS = ColumnField('from_address') """""" TO_ADDRESS = ColumnField('to_address') """""" TXN_HASH = ColumnField('transaction_hash') """""" SIGNATURE = ColumnField('signature') def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def bigint_cols(self): return [v for k, v in self._column_dict.items() if k.startswith('FN_')]
[docs]class ContractEventsTable(LedgerTable): """ Contract events ledger data table Column names common to all events Event-specific columns are added from ABI. """ BLOCK_NUMBER = ColumnField('block_number') """""" BLOCK_TIMESTAMP = ColumnField('block_timestamp') """""" LOG_INDEX = ColumnField('log_index') """""" CONTRACT_ADDRESS = ColumnField('contract_address') """""" TXN_HASH = ColumnField('transaction_hash') """""" SIGNATURE = ColumnField('signature') def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def bigint_cols(self): return [v for k, v in self._column_dict.items() if k.startswith('EVT_')]
[docs]class ContractEntityType(Enum): """""" FUNCTIONS = 'functions' """""" EVENTS = 'events' """"""
[docs]class ContractEntityQuery(LedgerQueryBase): """ Used by :class:`~credmark.cmf.types.ledger.ContractLedger` to query a contract's function or event data. You do not need to create an instance yourself. Access an instance with ``contract.ledger.functions.{NameOfFunction}`` or ``{NameOfEvent}``. The name of the function or event can be auto-completed by pressing TAB after the ``.``. Alternatively, you could looked the name of the function/event up from ``contract.abi.functions`` or ``. See the :meth:`` method below for the query parameters. Parameters: address: Contract address entity_type: Type of entity: functions or events name: Name of function or event """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """""" self._address = kwargs['address'] self._entity_type = kwargs['entity_type'] self._name = kwargs['name'] super().__init__() # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
[docs] def select(self, columns: Optional[Union[List[str], List[ColumnField]]] = None, joins: Optional[list[JoinAllTypes]] = None, where: Optional[str] = None, group_by: Optional[Union[List[str], List[ColumnField]]] = None, order_by: Optional[Union[str, ColumnField]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, aggregates: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None, having: Optional[str] = None, bigint_cols: Optional[List[str]] = None, analytics_mode: Optional[bool] = None) -> LedgerModelOutput: """ Run a query on a contract's function or event data. Parameters: columns: The columns list should be built from ``ContractLedger.Functions.Columns`` and function input columns using ``ContractLedger.Functions.InputCol('input-name')`` (where ``input-name`` is the name of an input for the particular contract function.) For events, use ``ContractLedger.Events.Columns`` and ``ContractLedger.Events.InputCol()``. aggregates: The aggregates list should be built from ``ContractLedger.Aggregate()`` calls where the expression contains an SQL function (ex. MAX, SUM etc.) and column names as described for the ``columns`` parameter. where: The where portion of an SQL query (without the word WHERE.) The column names are as described for the ``columns`` parameter. Aggregate column names must be in double-quotes. group_by: The "group by" portion of an SQL query (without the words "GROUP BY".) The column names are as described for the ``columns`` parameter. Aggregate column names must be in double-quotes. order_by: The "order by" portion of an SQL query (without the words "ORDER BY".) The column names are as described for the ``columns`` parameter. Aggregate column names must be in double-quotes. having: The "having" portion of an SQL query (without the word "HAVING".) The column names are as described for the ``columns`` parameter. Aggregate column names must be in double-quotes. limit: The "limit" portion of an SQL query (without the word "LIMIT".) Typically this can be an integer as a string. offset: The "offset" portion of an SQL query (without the word "OFFSET".) Typically this can be an integer as a string. Returns: An object with a ``data`` property which is a list of dicts, each dict holding a row with the keys being the column names. The column names can be referenced using ``ContractLedger.Functions.Columns``, ``ContractLedger.Functions.InputCol('...')``, and aggregate columns names. Example usage:: contract = Contract(address='0x3a3a65aab0dd2a17e3f1947ba16138cd37d08c04') with contract.ledger.functions.approve as q: ret = aggregates=[(q.VALUE.max_(), 'max_value')], group_by=[q.SPENDER], order_by=q.field('max_value').dquote().desc(), limit=5) # contains a list of row dicts, keyed by column name """ if self._entity_type == ContractEntityType.FUNCTIONS: model_slug = 'contract.function_data' elif self._entity_type == ContractEntityType.EVENTS: model_slug = 'contract.event_data' else: raise ValueError( f'Invalid ContractLedger entity type {self._entity_type}') context = credmark.cmf.model.ModelContext.current_context() model_input = self._gen_model_input( model_slug=model_slug, originator=context.__dict__['slug'], columns=columns, joins=joins, where=where, group_by=group_by, order_by=order_by, limit=limit, offset=offset, aggregates=aggregates, having=having, analytics_mode=analytics_mode) if self._entity_type == ContractEntityType.FUNCTIONS: model_input['functionName'] = self._name elif self._entity_type == ContractEntityType.EVENTS: model_input['eventName'] = self._name model_input['contractAddress'] = self._address # pylint:disable=no-member, protected-access model_input['l2_columns'] = self.bigint_cols # type: ignore ledger_out = context.run_model(slug=model_slug, input=model_input, return_type=LedgerModelOutput) # pylint:disable=no-member, protected-access ledger_out.set_bigint_cols( self.bigint_cols + # type: ignore ([] if bigint_cols is None else bigint_cols)) return ledger_out
[docs]class LedgerQueryContractFunctions(ContractFunctionsTable, ContractEntityQuery): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class LedgerQueryContractEvents(ContractEventsTable, ContractEntityQuery): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class ContractLedger: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,invalid-name """ Helper class used by :class:`~credmark.cmf.types.contract.Contract` for ledger queries on contract functions and events. You do not need to create an instance yourself. Access an instance from a :class:`credmark.cmf.types.contract.Contract` instance with ``contract.ledger``. See :class:`~credmark.cmf.types.ledger.ContractLedger.ContractEntity` below for info on running queries. Parameters: address: Contract address All event/function-specific fields are loaded as character to preserve its full precision for integer types. They will be converted back to integer with .to_dataframe(). """ def __init__(self, address: str, proxy_address: Optional[str], abi: ABI): super().__init__() self._address = address self._proxy_address = proxy_address self._abi = abi @property def functions(self): # TODO: Validate # Check if functions are emitted by proxy contract or # underlying implementation contract return ContractEntityFactory( ContractEntityType.FUNCTIONS, self._address, self._abi) @property def events(self): # When using a proxy pattern, events emitted during the execution # of functions are logged by the proxy contract. return ContractEntityFactory( ContractEntityType.EVENTS, self._address, self._abi)
[docs]class ContractEntityFactory: def __init__(self, entity_type: ContractEntityType, address: str, abi: ABI): super().__init__() self.entity_type = entity_type self.address = address self.abi = abi def decoded_cols(self, prefix: Tuple[str, str], names: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: more_cols = [] unnamed_sn = 0 for n, _ in enumerate(names): if names[n]['name'] == '': more_cols.append((f"{prefix[0]}__{unnamed_sn}", f'{prefix[1]}__{unnamed_sn}')) unnamed_sn += 1 else: more_cols.append((f"{prefix[0]}_{names[n]['name'].upper()}", f'{prefix[1]}_{names[n]["name"]}')) return more_cols def __dir__(self): if self.entity_type == ContractEntityType.FUNCTIONS: return self.abi.functions.names() elif self.entity_type == ContractEntityType.EVENTS: return raise ModelRunError( f'All types of {self.entity_type=} should be covered') def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + ' ' + str(dir(self)) def _ipython_key_completions_(self): return dir(self) def __getattr__(self, _name: str): if self.entity_type == ContractEntityType.FUNCTIONS: if self.abi.functions is None: raise ModelInputError(f'ABI for {self.address} is not loaded') if _name in self.abi.functions: more_cols = self.decoded_cols( ('FN', 'fn'), self.abi.functions[_name]['inputs']) return LedgerQueryContractFunctions( address=self.address, entity_type=self.entity_type, name=_name, table_key='fn', more_cols=more_cols) elif self.entity_type == ContractEntityType.EVENTS: if is None: raise ModelInputError(f'ABI for {self.address} is not loaded') if _name in more_cols = self.decoded_cols( ('EVT', 'evt'),[_name]['inputs']) return LedgerQueryContractEvents( address=self.address, entity_type=self.entity_type, name=_name, table_key='evt', more_cols=more_cols) raise AttributeError(_name)