# pylint: disable = line-too-long
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Callable, Generic, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
import pandas as pd
from credmark.cmf.model.errors import ModelErrorDTO
from credmark.dto import DTO, DTOField, DTOType, GenericDTO, IterableListGenericDTO, PrivateAttr
__all__ = ['BlockSeriesRow', 'BlockSeriesErrorRow', 'BlockSeries',
'SeriesModelStartEndIntervalInput', 'SeriesModelWindowIntervalInput']
[docs]class BlockSeriesRow(GenericDTO, Generic[DTOCLS]):
A data row in a block series.
The generic type specifies the class to use as the output.
For example ``row = BlockSeriesRow[MyOutputClass](**data)``
where ``row.output`` will be an instance of ``MyOutputClass``
blockNumber: int = DTOField(..., description='Block number in the series')
blockTimestamp: int = DTOField(...,
description='The Timestamp of the Block')
sampleTimestamp: int = DTOField(..., description='The Sample Block time')
output: DTOCLS = DTOField(...,
description='Output of the model run for this block')
[docs]class BlockSeriesErrorRow(DTO):
An error row in a block series.
blockNumber: int = DTOField(..., description='Block number in the series')
blockTimestamp: int = DTOField(...,
description='The Timestamp of the Block')
sampleTimestamp: int = DTOField(..., description='The Sample Block time')
error: ModelErrorDTO = DTOField(...,
description='Error DTO of the model run for this block')
# pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
[docs]class BlockSeries(IterableListGenericDTO[BlockSeriesRow[DTOCLS]], Generic[DTOCLS]):
A DTO for the output of "series.*" models which run another
model over a series of blocks.
The generic type specifies the class to use as the output
in the ``BlockSeriesRow``.
For example ``blockSeries = BlockSeries[MyOutputClass](**data)``
where ``blockSeries.series[0].output`` will be an instance of ``MyOutputClass``
If a permanent error occurs during a model run, the block and error
will be added to the errors array.
If a non-permanent error occurs during a model run, the entire series
will generate an error.
series: List[BlockSeriesRow[DTOCLS]] = DTOField(
default=[], description='List of series block outputs')
errors: Union[List[BlockSeriesErrorRow], None] = DTOField(
description='If any permanent (deterministic) errors were returned from model runs, '
'this array will contain blocks with errors')
_iterator: str = PrivateAttr('series')
[docs] def append_error(self, error_row: BlockSeriesErrorRow):
if self.errors is None:
self.errors = []
[docs] def get(self, block_number=None, timestamp=None) -> Union[BlockSeriesRow[DTOCLS], None]:
if block_number is not None:
return next((x for x in self.series if x.blockNumber == block_number), None)
if timestamp is not None:
return self.get(
block_number=max(s.blockNumber for s in
[s for s in self.series if s.blockTimestamp <= timestamp]))
return None
[docs] def to_list(self, fields: Optional[List[Callable]] = None) -> List[List]:
fields (List[Callable] | None): List of lambda to extract certain field from output.
Leave empty to extract the entire output.
Extract tuples from series data
if fields is None:
return [[p.blockNumber,
for p in self.series]
return [([p.blockNumber,
datetime.utcfromtimestamp(p.blockTimestamp)] +
[f(p.output) for f in fields])
for p in self.series]
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, fields: Optional[List[Tuple[str, Callable]]] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
fields (List[Tuple[str, Callable]] | None): List of field name and lambda to extract
certain field from output. Leave empty to extract the entire output.
Extract tuples from series data
series_in_list = self.to_list(fields=None if fields is None else [
f for (_, f) in fields])
if fields is None:
return pd.DataFrame(data=series_in_list, columns=['blockNumber', 'blockTime', 'output'])
return pd.DataFrame(
columns=['blockNumber', 'blockTime'] + [c for c, _ in fields])
[docs] def to_range(self, from_block, to_block) -> "BlockSeries[DTOCLS]":
from_block (int): The starting block number
to_block (int): The ending block number
Extract data with the specified range of block numbers
return self.__class__(series=[s for s in self.series if from_block <= s.blockNumber <= to_block])
[docs] def invalid_range(self, from_block, to_block):
return self.__class__(series=[s for s in self.series if s.blockNumber > to_block or s.blockNumber < from_block])
[docs]class ImmutableOutput(DTO):
firstResultBlockNumber: int